Monday, August 29, 2011


Corruption is the main theme in this “chapter” it is seen everywhere in India although we never really talk about it, I really like the line in the book “Corruption,” Abbasi said. “Corruption. It’s like a demon sitting on my brain and eating it with a fork and knife.”
“The Bunder” reminded me of all the crazy silly things that Indians do that we don’t necessarily need but want: Fine patchwork, Jewelry making, Painting, Cleaning, Teaching, Pot making etc. To live in India has helped me to picture these stories a lot more than if I was still a snobby little kid from Australia. I wouldn’t have believed that any of these things were true and that everything was fair and equal, which we know, it is not. Driving home at night past the teahouses in Bangalore, you see men sitting around like Abbasi and his friends, with there tiny little white plastic cups filled with milky tea. Although when reading this “chapter” it reminded me of walking through my old street in Australia although when I thought about it deeply, Indian streets and the image I had in my mind, were completely different. Although I have not been to Kittur so I cannot completely imagine the town layout. I sometimes stand out on my roof as Abbasi did and look out at the view, how far I can see, the trees, the people, and the planes the cars, the noise. Sometimes I just sit up there and listen to everything that’s going on.  

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